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Dog behavior change

19 11:16:35

Our family dog, Kato, has been with us for nearly 14 years. He has had dental surgery and arthritis in his joints, overall, old guy. Recently we move only 1 mile away and his behavior has shifted to the worse. He has always been so calm and was so good. Now he chews on all he can get a hold of. We try to seperate him from the household and only hear whines and barks. He acts as though he would rather be outside than in the laundry room. He acts so differently than ever before, we hate to see him like this and wish we could let him in the family room. We tried to give him a chance this morning, and my oldest daughter heard him chewing behind her, Another toy. I bet he has even digested a few pencils and toys!! We hope to get news soon that will help us deal with our man Kato, He is such an important part of our big family (3 kids, soon to be 4).  
Sharon Mason

Sharon, has anything about your daily routine changed, aside from the actual move itself?

It's not all that uncommon for senior dogs to suffer from dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer's in people. Sometimes they will 'see' things that aren't there, or wander aimlessly around the house/yard. The move could have 'triggered' this, or it could just be coincidence. I would have the vet do some tests to see if if might be dementia.

Are you able to crate him, or put him outside, whenever you leave or cannot watch him? Would he chew on a Nylabone or Kong? If so, take away all his other toys and only give him those that are appropriate for chewing on, unless you are playing with him.