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Female Dog question

19 11:59:36

Hi, my 2 1/2 year female Australian Shephard received surgery about three weeks ago and had a bladder stone removed. The vet has completed urine samples as well as a culture and blood tests to check her kidney functions and have found all to be negative and normal.  She has healed up well from the surgery, but she continues to squat numerous times (after a long stream) when peeing and does not pee. The vet feels that she may have picked up a behavior problem, since all of the tests that have been run are normal.  She is not drinking excessively and is happy and playful.  Last week (two weeks after surgery), she had an accident on her bed (which is not like her at all). Her pee does not have blood or protein in it anymore and we are very perplexed by her behavior.  Wondering if you have any suggestions.
Thank you

Hi Amber. Sounds like she might be having some incontinence problems from having her bladder cut open. This is sad b/c she's so young, but hopefully it will improve over time. There is a great drug for this problem called Phenylpropanolamine. Ask your vet & see if he will let you try it out. Let me know!