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My dog is acting really strange

19 10:51:51

Hi! My dog has been acting a bit weird lately. Usually when i put her outside to go to the bathroom, she does what she has to do and comes back. But recently when i let her out, she goes straight to my brick wall i have in my house. There is a little tiny hole in it, and she goes right to it, and stares at it for hours on end. Sometimes she will actually not come in and she'll just lay in front of the wall. When i wake up..she just stares at it, and sniffs in the whole, and she often shivers like she is afraid of something. What could be wrong with her?? Thanks

Yes, strange.  I have had a problem with yellow jackets nesting in my garage foundation.  She may be able to hear something inside there.  If she was stung, that could explain the fear.  

I solved my problem by filling the hole with cement.  While a 40 pound bag is only a few dollars, there must be another way.  If you don't have anything around that would do, buy one of the small kitchen and bath caulking tubes.  Fill the hole and see how it goes.  Maybe give it a shot of insect killer first.  

If that doesn't do it, perhaps have the vet check her.  Often that is the best first step with something that looks like a behavior problem.