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Over friendly Lab

19 10:54:59

My lab 'sugar' 2 yrs old will not bark when strangers approach the house.  Instead she just loves everyone and any one. She does not respond always to the 'come' command and loves to chase other cats and hens. Please help me teach her to bark on seeing somebody at the gate. She barks only when she wants to play, eat or eliminate.  She is just a bundle of love and energy.  Thank you

Well a good way for her to stop being over friendly is when people come to your house tell them to ignore your dog and don't allow her to jump at all,and have them not pet her for at least ten minutes or so

As for her barking when someone comes at the door,that may come once she learns to calm down(by being ignored)but some dogs never bark when someone comes to the door-but most do as they get older and have learned to calm down