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simptoms after dog histerectomy

19 10:25:50

I adopted a puppy 7 months old.  Its being 3 days since the adoption and surgery.  I am concerned because she looks depressed and does not do much around the house.  My son and I walk her and she does that well, she eats a little and drinks but I noticed yesterday that she vomits an hour or so after a meal.  I am not experienced at this and I do not know if this is normal.  The incision is being well taken care of and it looks good, but I see her a little too mellow, I think she might be missing her other home, or would this be a sign of an illness.  The test at the shelter came all normal, meaning she was in good health.

Hi Joana,

Thank you for writing to me regarding your new puppy.  Bless you for adopting this sweet girl.

I am concerned not about her demeanor, because after such major surgery, it is very exhausting and the dog needs lots of rest and to be free of any stimulation..just peace, quiet and some gentle petting and being spoken to softly.

What I am concerned about is the vomiting.  This can be a bad sign and I think that you should contact your vet and get his opinion.  There may be something wrong and it should be addressed.

The depression, by the way, can be due to hormones.  Please discuss this with your vet as well.

Best of luck with your new family member.

Shelley Davis