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dogs allergies

19 11:57:33

5 yr old shnowzer mix goes crazy trying to scratch her back,terrible itching. Was going to give her benedryl 1mg per pound is the dose I've been told would work, but not sure how often. she wieghs 14lbs. Was hoping for more of a for sure answer on being safe and correct.

Hi Andrea;
Please don't give her that much, you might kill her.
Whoever told you that needs to find out what they are talking about before they give advice.
My dogs have terible allergies too, and I have given 1/2 a benedryl caplet.
The dogs weigh 30 lbs and a little over 40 lbs.
My Veterinarian said the 40 lb one can have a whole caplet, but to continue just a half caplet or pill for the smaller one that weighs only 30 lbs.
I looked on the box, and these are 25mg caplets.
That is about 1/2 mg per pound.
If your dog weighs less than 30 pounds, I would ask your Vet before giving any.
For a 15 or 20 ponud dog, for instance, he/she may say only 1/4th mg per pound.
Overdosing is very common when people give over the counter drugs to animals.
A dosage of 1/2 mg per pound for a 20 pound dog could be a lot more drug than a 1/2 mg per pound for a 30 pound dog.
There are more factors than just poundage.