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dog withnew 9 pupies

19 13:43:56

Our dog just gave birth on Friday night to 9 beautiful pups these are her first and she is very protective over them. She will only allow my mum (who feeds her) to approach.  However today she took all 9 puppies and disappeared, could she have felt threatened from all the other people around, who are not entire strange though or could she have hate to say it eaten them??? she is missing to


I can only give you a hunch...that your dog has removed her babies and taken them to a more private place.  Try to find them but give her the space and tranquility that she needs.  Keep an eye on them only for medical reasons.

I also suggest that you have her spayed.  For every new puppy born, that is one less home for a dog on death row.  

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis