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elderly dogs

19 10:36:57

Patti,  I have two weimeraners that are 11 years old.  They have had their ups and downs with health issues but they are in ok shape.  My problem is they have stopped listening to even simple commands and only care about getting food.  They misbehave, won't play, and are always under foot looking for food. I give them wet with dry food due to poor teeth. If I up the amount they throw up so I have to be careful.  The girl dog has been on anti-anxiety medication for years and it has all but stopped working.  If I don't kennel them at night they go on my floor and not because they have to go since I get up with them in the middle of the night to let them out or they bark.  I am at my wits end.  Isn't the end years suppose to be sweet and loving.

Hi Marion,

It's possible your dogs require more food than you're giving them. Because they throw up when fed more, try feeding them smaller portions but more frequently, perhaps 3 or 4 times a day.

Because you have several behavioral issues going on, and you've tried getting things under control on your own, but haven't seem good results, I doubt anything you'd read in an email from me would do much to change your situation. You need a live person to evaluate your situation, and suggest ways to fix things based on their observations. You need to contact a dog trainer/behaviorist.
Contact your vet or local boarding kennel to get a recommendation of a dog trainer/behaviorist in your area.

Best of luck,
