Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > malties three and half year old

malties three and half year old

19 10:52:50

hi; i have a three and half year old malties and still pee on the sofas or my expensive area rugs when ever i give him a bath or bring him back from the groomer also he likes to be brushed or bathed.

please help me?

Hi Hala,

You didn't say if your dog has ever been house trained or not. If he was house trained, and the urination on your furnature and rugs is a new development, then your dog should have a vet exam to rule out a medical cause for this problem.

If your dog has never been reliably house trained, then that's the problem which needs attention. If your dog has never been house trained, do not allow him the run of your home when you can't be monitoring him. That means you must watch your dog like a hawk, because you know he can't be trusted!
When you can't be supervising your dog, he should either be crated, or contained in a dog safe area, with the help of a child gate or  two.

You can read more about how to house train your adult dog here:

Best of luck,