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boxer in 1st heat

19 11:02:26

Hi - I have a 17 month old female boxer who is in her 1st heat (I think - she bled one time before but only a few drops one time).  She has had her 'period' for about 9 days now and it doesn't seem to be letting up - how long does it last?
Also, her female area is extremely swollen - is this normal?  Today (9th day), she seems very uncomfortable, lazy, doesn't want to be bothered, and has been whimpering.  

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Ok it's not a period. A woman's menstrual cycle is to empty her body of unused tissue and blood that was built up for a pregnancy that did not occur. For a dog,. it is the opposite, it is the time when they are gearing up for pregnancy and it takes some time for it all to come together and for the LH levels to rise. Their vulva's swell,., they have a bloodline discharge and it usually lasts for three weeks. Best to have your girl spayed so that she doesn't have to go through this again.