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hurt arms and hookworms?

19 11:51:11

my year old puppy has a bleeding stool and as well , every time I pick him up from under the armpits or just hold him he starts yelping and tries to bite my hand in order to jump off.he usually enjoys being picked up and their are no signs of pain when he walks. what is wrong with him?

HI Natasha!
You're probably right about the hookworms. It could be something else, but since it's a puppy, then probably hooks.  You need to have him dewormed soon though, as hookworms can bring a puppy down fast.  I'm not sure why he yelps, it may or may not have anything to do with his arms hurting. I would have take him in to be dewormed and have the Vet check him out about that too.

God Bless,