Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Male miniature schnauzer

Male miniature schnauzer

19 11:25:13

QUESTION: My 3 year old boy has somewhat regular (every four months?) sheath
discomfort, noted by the exposed tip of his penis, maybe 1/4" showing. He
gets walks in the woods nearly every day, and of course gets regular
cleanings. It doesn't surprise me that the problem might occur due to dirt or
other natural abrasive picked up while playing! I think I'm doing the right
thing by exposing his sheath and cleaning the light brown smegma with
warm water and lubricant, as the next day he's good as gold. It's just difficult
exposing him without causing discomfort. Any suggestions on the problem (if
it truly is one?) or the cleaning process? I want nothing but the best for my

ANSWER: I have a dog who seems to do the same thing, and in his case, it is caused by excessive hair on the end of his sheath. If I keep the hair shaved off, he doesn't have a problem.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing for your guy. If you can get the hair a bit shorter there, that might also help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My wife grooms him, keeping his privates very closely trimmed. I feel better
knowing that I be removing the goo, but question whether there's a better
method than holding him over the sink and "working" to expose him, then
rinsing and lubricating.

I used to do mine upside down in my lap as he lay on his back, but if yours is getting dirty and "gooey", it sounds like you are probably doing it the best way. I would certainly check him once a day to try and stay on top of it.

If he seems to have excess drainage, he could have a bit of an infection and would benefit from being seen by a vet.