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2 boxer pups

19 11:34:21

Hello,We have recently acquired two female boxer pups,(we have had 2 boxers before) they are now 8 weeks old. My question is about aggression.They play quite well together however this play  usually ends up with a quite alarming amount of aggression & nipping& barking at each other.To me it sounds quite severe. However never having had 2 pups together before I have no idea where acceptable play stops & unacceptable aggression takes over.Hope you can help

I always advise people not to get two pups from the same litter at the same age together. It is a recipe for trouble. Dogs do play rough, pulling at ears, snapping, jumping all over one another. Usually if there is no blood drawn all is well. However if it is worrying you, perhaps give the more agressive one time out in another room by herself when play becomes rough. You could also introduce them to new funner games, where they dont have to hurt each other, like fetch, tug of war, hide and seek etc. This means their energy is still being used up.

2 boxer pups. Phew, glad its not me.  LOL