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my 13 year old chow please help

19 9:48:38

QUESTION: me and my mother woke up yesterday morning and my chow had a big lump under her eye and it was not like that the day before. i tried putting a warm rag on it but she just seems miserable i really need your help please. today we woke up and it seems to be bigger. the skin around the eye seems to be raw and her eye is now swollen shut please help me i dont have the money to take her to the vet and i dont know what to do. this has never happend before

ANSWER: Dear Doug,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's eye condition.  Please please please try to find the money for the vet.  This is not sounding seems like an infection and if not treated quickly, your dog could go septic, which is fatal.

The only thing I can advise for today, is try giving her some baby benedryl for her weight and see if the swelling comes down.  If this is from an insect bite you should see a response to the benedryl but if not, it's likely an infection and must be treated asap.

Let the vet examine the eye and then when it comes time to pay, try to work out a payment plan and then stick to it so that he's always available to emergencies.  

There is also a credit card called carecredit that is for emergencies. It is interest free for a period of time but then the interest goes sky high so pay it by the due date.

There are also animal emergency funds in different towns so see if that is available as well.

Your dog is suffering and as her owners it is imperative that you give her the same medical care you would your own human family.  She depends on you to do the right thing.

Shelley Davis

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you so much i have given her baby benedril and we are seeing results!the swelling went down and she can now see out of her some what. thank you so much god bless you for your advice and help.


I am so happy for the update.  Thank you so much for easing my worry about your dog.  I'm glad that it was just an allergic reaction..without being there it is difficult to tell exactly what the problem is.  I had a feeling it was a sting from a bee or spider but I was also very worried that if it was an infection, it could spread through the blood system and become fatal.

Keep up the baby Benedryl until the swelling is gone but be careful not to overdose.

It is wonderful that this was such an easy solution.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis