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maltese poop and pees on carpet

19 9:45:08

i have a 6 year old female maltese.  She always potties on a potty pad in the laundry room.  She has done excellent with the potty pad until I had my second child 3 months ago. She started pottying  on the carpet in the living room which is like 5 feet from her potty pad.  She only did this once in a while at first.  I sent her to stay with my parents for a couple of weeks thinking she just needed a little more attention than I could give.  She came home and did great.  I did have my carpets professionally cleaned while she was gone. The last 2 weeks she has started pottying on my carpet every night.  She will only potty on her pad if she knows I am where I can see her.  If I'm not around during the day, she will go on the carpet.  I have cleaned the spots with vinegar water, but is not helping.  I have also put her in the laundry room with a baby gate up.  I just hate to gate her all the time, but I will do it if thats the only thing that will help.  Do you have any advise, I need some?

First, she should be examined by your veterinarian to make certain that she does not have a bladder infection or stones.

If she were a housebroken dog, I would return to Housebreaking 101, with crating and letting her outside at appropriate times... and lots of praise when she potties in the appropriate spot. You need to do something similar with her. Every so often, some dogs just need to be reminded of what they are supposed to do.

If she cannot be watched, she needs to be confined in some fashion. She should be put on her potty pad when you think she needs to go, and praise the heck out of her when you see her using the pad.

Be sure you are giving her plenty of attention when she is out and about. Babies are a lot of work, but the dog needs her share of hugging, too.

Get an enzymatic cleaner for the carpeting as that will help to kill any odor.