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adopted 2 year old female pomeranian

19 9:48:38

I adopted a 2 yr old female pom on Nov.7 We were told she is great with people and she is with my immediate family.She doesnt like strangers and barks alot when people come into my house that she doesnt know.She even tried to jump out of my arms when a friend of mine came to my door to say hello,any advice? thanks so much!!

Hopefully she is indeed good with people and she is just reacting due to the stress of being moved around so much.

Start taking her everywhere and have people give her good little treats to eat (do this on a more empty stomach, and cut back on her regular food ration when you do this. She needs to learn that seeing new people means good things coming her way!

Get her into a few months of obedience training and work with her every single day. Also start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with her. Everyone in the family should be able to work with her. Just because she is little and cute doesn't mean she doesn't need to learn to behave... just as you would expect from a larger dog.