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Non barking small dog

19 13:42:13

I am looking for a small breed dog that isnt a big barker(like the boston female doesnt bark at anyone while outside or at the door...nothin' lol) I am not picky on the breed or fur type but would like another small dog middle to late next year that doesnt bark like a JRT or poodle, Thank you for any reccomendation you can give me.

Dear Tara,
Thanks for the question. Although some dog breeds are more prone to vocalize, it more of a training issue than a breed specific trait. For instance, pack hounds like Beagles are noted for the sounds they make when on the trail of a scent. As far as small breeds, some individuals are very noisy and prone to react by barking when they hear sounds, guests arrive, see things that are out of place, et cetera. Some people think it is a breed specific trait or an individual dog's genetic makeup that causes then to bark out of control, but from my point of view, all of those situations of barking can be reduced with proper training.

I suppose I don't know of a specific small breed that is noted for their "reduced vocal reactions". I know I have seen books that list breed specific traits like trainability and reactivity.

Try posting your question on a public board with many owners of many different breeds of small dogs, the message board at would be a good choice. Their board addy is,2,3,4,9  
Post the question in a general category like General Questions and Answers or General Training. I'm as interested as you to see the responses.

Happy Training!