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Samoyed dogs

19 14:03:23

We have a Samoyed Bitch and recently she has been vommitting and bringing up blood in her vommit. can dogs like humans get stomach ulcers or could it be caused by worms in her stomach. I would be grateful for any advice

Hi Anthony!

Yes, dogs can get stomach ulcers, but I doubt that is the problem.  You really need to take her to a vet.
There are several possibilities of what this could be.  Worms?  I doubt it.  Hookworms will cause a bloody stool, but not a blood loss through vomiting.  This could be a major problem, so I wouldn't hesitate if I were you.  She may have been poisoned, eaten something that has torn her esophagus, or perhaps broken some blood vessels from vomiting.  Who knows?  Only your vet will be able to properly diagnos this problem and I would not wait too long to have her checked out.  I hope all is well with her.

God Bless,