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Obsessed with feeding time

19 11:31:47

We have a 13 year old miniature schnauzer who is obsessed with feeding time.  We feed him in the morning (6 AM) and in the evening (6 PM) and he is on prescription food to keep his PH balanced (he has had surgery to remove bladder stones). Lately he has been getting up between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning so we let him out, but then he stays up and paces around the house and whines until it's time to eat. He does the same thing at dinner time, but usually only if dinner is a little late.  He has been maintaining his weight, so he is getting enough quantity of food.  Is there anything we can do?

That is strange, Michelle. I wonder if maybe his 'internal clock' is messed up. Dogs, like people, can develop some interesting habits as they age. This may just be one of those things.

What if you were to completely eliminate the morning feeding and feed him his full daily ration in the evenings?