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New daschund puppy

19 11:31:47

I have two miniture daschhund. One about 8 years old and the other about 3. Decided to add another one to the family, but the three year old daschund attacks the puppy. The 8 year old has a few smells and then ignores. Any reason for this? When I'm around he doesn't touch him, becuase he knows he will get a hiding, but as soon as I turn my back he goes for him. No growling or barking, just bites, and so hard that I have to pull his jaws apart to get the puppy loose. Any ideas how I can cope with this? Your help will really be appreciated. THanks so much in advance.

Is this dog neutered? That *might* help, but it doesn't always. Sometimes some dogs just do not get along with other dogs. The older dog is probably dominant enough that the 3-year-old ignores him, as he knows he will get his clock cleaned by the older dog if he messes with him.

I suspect you will probably have to either return the puppy to the breeder or place the 3-year-old in an only dog household. Your only other option is to keep the two separated, and that is NOT a fun way to live for the next ten or so years.

Whatever you decide to do, just keep in mind that the puppy is being severely traumatized by this bully and will need a lot of good socialization with some nice dogs to get over this.
