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Young Dog not Eating

19 11:16:01

My Daisy is almost 11 months old. She's never eaten a lot at one time but would eat several times a day. She loves for us to share our dinner meats with her in small portions, non-spicy, no bones & in very small pieces. She loves her doggy treats, chew bones & chicken jerky strips.  We noticed that she was only eating the Chicken Jerky strips that we'd been getting for her which gave her diarrhea because that's all she was eating. We quit buying them to get her to eat puppy or dog food again but it's not working. She'll eat some cat food at times, both canned beef & dry, but not much of either. She's not eating the canned, chunk chicken or roast beef that she used to love raw or boiled. She's having bowel movements everyday, sometimes twice a day & it's firmer since we stopped the chicken jerky treats. My Mom says she's evidently getting enough to eat since she's having regular bowel movements, but we're still worried! We don't know what to do! We love her so much!!.
 I checked her teeth & gums, no signs of any infection or sores. She does have separation anxiety when I have to leave home for a while but she's NEVER left alone & my husband says that she's getting better with dealing with my being gone once in a while. She's always followed me like a shadow & still does. She's still very active & wants to play all the time, whining when I'm busy doing something else & can't play at that moment with her favorite toy. Other than her not eating much, when she does eat it's usually dry or canned cat food & not much of that. She's even lost interest in eating small amounts of canned cat food & getting "cat food face" at times. I can get her to eat a few pieces of puppy food out of jealousy when one of the other animals eats it. I can't afford a trip to the vet with only small amount of SSI income. What could be causing this? What can I do to help her to eat? Is she getting enough to eat since she has regular movements?

There are low cost vet clinics available to people on low incomes, or older (over 55 usually). They're also available to people who are on a fixed income. Contact your local humane society for information and phone numbers. She needs to be seen. Most likely it is just an eating disorder but since their are bowel issues involved, she's probably got something else going on as well. It could be something simple, like worms, but it could be other things as well. Get her to the vet one way or another as soon as you can.  Meanwhile, stop all the treats, additives, cat food, scraps etc. Put dry puppy food down for her for thirty minutes twice per day. Pick up what she doesn't eat. Ignore her during mealtimes (hers and yours)> If it's just a disorder she WILL eat when she gets hungry But meanwhile, DO pursue getting her to the vet. Remember you'd eat chocolate chip cookies all day if you could too!