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19 9:48:05

I have a weimareiner and he is the grey/blue color, he has major skin problems.  he itches constantly and has whelps that are red and raised and even has a yeast smell to his skin.  he has been to the vet, numerous times and got antibiotics, steroids, itching pills, pills to make him sleep so he won't scratch. But I don't know what else to do, he is miserable.

Hello Vickie,

I know a product that you need to get for your Weimaraner.  I know a Weimaraner breeder that works for NuVet and she gives her dogs this.  Skin problems are so awful and the dogs are so miserable.  I feel confident this will help him.

Give it a try and if for some reason it doesn't help you can get your money back.  For a dog that size give two wafers a day until you see the result you are looking for and then give one daily to maintain good skin.

Let me know how he does.
Susan Grooming & Holistic Pet Foods