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dominate boxers

19 14:04:12

We have 2 boxers, Bart 1 1/2 yrs and now Bella 5 mo. They both are very dominate and seem to only act calm and behaved when my husband is home. I have read EVERYTHING, even Cesar Milans new book....and these two just won't respect me as a pack leader. They are wild in the house (wrestling, biting and picking on each other). We walk daily (somtimes twice) and they are very good on leash. We've trained with a professional trainer.
When we are home they are out of control! I try to gain control and usually am retaliated against. Bella, the puppy, growls direcly at me and bites- hard! I am afraid she will become aggressive from this behavior. Bart will bark and try to nibble at my clothes while I have Bella down on her's all pure CHAOS!
Can you help me please?

Maria...i need to ask...where were the dogs professionally trained? Not in home i hope? You need an in home trainer to help you. This is not something simple i can tell you to do unfortunately. Were the dogs treat trained possibly? It almost sounds like they were. That will only make matters worse. Call a reputable in home trainer. check references. They can help you.
Good luck