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dog acting strangely

19 9:28:50

Hi, my dog has been acting up recently. She's normally fit and healthy but is now driving me mad. She recently had her "ladies time" and is usually a bit strange when this happens (sitting, staring at a wall for hours). She's still very restless after about a week and is constantly up and down. She also needs the toilet about 3 times at nighttime when she's always been fine before. She's fine in herself but the constant pacing, whining and toilet needing is driving me insane! Any help would be greatly appreciated.



If she has started acting out of character since she was in season it could be many different things such as pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, pyometra or simply hormonal changes. Because there is a risk of pyometra i suggest a vet visit. I also suggest having her spayed but most people choose to ignore this advice so I waste my breath trying to educate people of the health risks of having a dog that is not desexed.
if you choose to desex her GREAT
if not, sigh