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Feeding for 13 month old dog

19 13:37:33

Hello, I was wondering if it is OK for our 13 month old female English Cocker Spaniel to only eat dried dog food once/day.  She gets the tinned food all over her ears which ends up smelling really bad and we know it's not good to bath dogs more than weekly.  We also heard that dried food is better for dogs than tinned food anyway.  We don't feed her any scraps.  We also heard about special raised bowls to stop their ears getting in the food or water, but we have not been able to find any - we live in the Middle East.  We would appreciate any advice. Thank you!  

Hello yes its fine to feed dry food. But even in adult dogs it is better to give it in two servings one in the morning and one in the evening a cupple of hours before bed. Do not bath the dog weekly you will strip the oils from the coat and cause itchy flaky skin, Bathes should be given every two months or only when dirty.