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Stressed Chihuahua

19 10:27:45

M dog Zoe is constantly under stress. She almost always shakes when anyone comes near her and sometimes even sqeaks. She does have moments when she's calm but not often enough. I'm worried about the stress effecting her health. What can I do?

Hi Tiffany,

Thank you for writing to me about Zoe, your precious Chihuahua.

It is typical for Chihuahuas to shake.  I know many that do.  However, if this is caused by fear of humans, then you need to desensitize her.  Have people who come to your house give her a yummy treat.  Have a very special treat that you use ONLY for this activity.  She will start to associate visitors with something positive. Do not let people bend over her..this is a dominant position and may make her fear increase.  Have them speak to her in a high pitched very gentle voice.  No sudden moves.  Etc.

When she starts to shake or become nervous, the worst thing you can do is to coo and start saying things like..poor baby and petting her to calm her.  This actually will make the situation worse.  The best thing to do is either ignore her or redirect her attention to something positive.  If you can catch this just before it's about to happen and then distract and reward, that is the best thing to do.

You can also give her some Rescue Remedy.  It is a Bach Flower Remedy, very gentle.  Put 12 drops in her water and rub some on her gums every day.

Put on soothing music.  Get a DAP collar for her..this releases the same scent that the mother dog gives off to the puppies.  It's very soothing.

Try these techniques and let me know if you see any changes.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis