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new dog jealous of old dog

19 10:43:48

I rescued a 1 year old, 8lbs Chiweenie female. I have a 5 year old Dachshund male at home. The Chiweenie is sweet and they really like each other, but Chiweenie will not let me pet my Dachshund. She starts to jump all over him when I try...not to bite him just to be the one to get petted. I try to hold her back with one hand but it's not easy. She does the same thing if I'm trying to give him a treat. She's not mean, just pushy. Dachshund is submissive he won't fight and he walks away, but he keeps trying to get some petting time with me. Any ideas other than putting her in a crate while I pet him? Thanks.

Try to give her attention on her own,away from the other dog,so that she doesn't feel left out,and also for a while try to pet both dogs at the same time,if you give him a treat give her a small one as well

In time this should sort itself out,but in the meantime make sure you include her in activities that the male is included in as well