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Ear Crop

19 9:39:45

I have an eight week old female pitbull. I'm very sentimental over animals so I feel bad in wanting to get her ears cropped but I think it looks beautiful on this breed. I was wondering if you could tell me if its very painful for the pup,the right age to get this done at and about how much it would cost...just details of surgery and after care. I'm planning on a shorter cut because I know the longer one takes a lot of healing time and can be more painful. But im not too familiar with all of the different styles.

Hi LaChelle;
Any kind of Ear crop in my opinion is seriously "PAINFUL"!
I am not a believer in it, unless it is a Top Show dog you are living with, otherwise, why put the dog through something like that for the sake of vanity???
You will need to consult a Pitbull breeder for the different styles, as this is not my expertise!
I raise European Great Danes, and in most European countries, cropping is ILLEGAL!
Your choice, so, decide, and then go for it!