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My cocker spaniel

19 13:33:28

I find it strange that my cocker eats everything on the floor from plastic to dust to hair.Do all dogs do this?

Neo[my cocker] has lots of toys but dislikes all of them.He has toy with tightly knotted string, a rubber bone, a rubber ball, aplastic ring to chew on,a tennis ball,a yellow ball, and a twistable bone.

Should I buy him more?Neo is about forty seven day old pup.Any help that concerns this topic will be appreciated.

It is fairly common for puppies to eat anything they can find.  Mine have always loved twistems.  There are some other chew toys many dogs find appealing.  Roughening up the plastic ring might make it more attractive.  Try to find some of the nubby textured Nylabone toys.  They are hard to find, but many dogs like the dinosaur shaped ones. A Nylabone jammed into a Kong is a twofer where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.