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sinus or throat problems?

19 10:38:09

I purchased a Miniature Yorkshire Terrier about 2 and a half mos. ago. I noticed that on the way home from picking up the puppy that he had some sort of noise coming from his nose or mouth. It sounded like a weasing sound and so I had my mom take it to the vet and get checked out. The vet said their was no fluid in the lungs and had a healthy heart etc. He said that the noise was nothing to worry about.
Since then it has stayed pretty constant sounding, but recently within the last 2 or 3 day's it has sounded worse. He sounds like he is snoring alot of the time and sometimes he sounds like he is trying to clear his throat and it just sounds like there is a bunch of fluid or mucus in his sinus tract or throat. I don't really want to take it back to the same vet yet, and I have heard that sometimes the mini varieties of dogs sometimes have related problems and can't be helped as far as getting rid of the mucus because their sinus tract or something in that nature is under developed.


I would highly suggest an appointment with a *different* vet. It sounds like your puppy may have an URI or kennel cough, which needs to be treated, if indeed there is mucus and fluid trapped in his sinus cavities.

The problems you mentioned with "minis" are accurate- not to be rude in anyway (its not YOUR fault of course!), but there is no such thing as a "mini" Yorkshire terrier. There's no such thing as a teacup Chihuahua, a toy sheltie, a maltisapoodlescnoodlecockadoodlecoorkiepugabugadoodle or whatever new designer breed some backyard breeder with too much imagination comes up with. The terms "mini" (when applied to already toy breeds, like yorkies) teacup, dwarf, etc is usually given to dogs that have been purposely bred down in size by indiscriminate breeders only interested in making a quick buck. The dogs are heavily inbred and usually laden with health problems. It is a serious, serious concern. The "a poos" and all the other mixed breeds listed out there for sale are just that, mixed breeds, or mutts, or pound puppies...just like millions of dogs in shelters everywhere looking for new homes. The reason I am saying all of this is to bring about the point that someone who advertises their puppies as "minis" is not looking to breed healthy, quality puppies, but instead looking to capitalize on the latest fad and is purposely putting the health of her dogs at risk by breeding them too small.

I would definitely get your puppy into a good vet ASAP to do a full health check and make sure she doesn't have a URI or kennel cough. I also congratulate you on having done some research to know that there are indeed some health problems you are likely to face eventually. Keep on reading! There are a lot of resources available on the Internet to owners such as yourself.

Good luck with your new baby!!