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My labmix got spayed 4 days ago and there is swelling..

19 11:30:29

Hi! I have a beautiful german shepherd lab mix female pup. She is 7 months old and was spayed 4 days ago. Today, her belly looks swollen. Right around the stitches, almost like there is an egg under her skin.  She does not act like it hurts her, and she is in good spirits, but she has also been sleeping all day which is not like her. She is eating good though. Do you think there may be something wrong where they cut her?

Hi Kari,

What is "normal" for post-surgical healing? This varies of course, with the suture materials used and the patient. It is very important to keep your dog from licking and chewing and to keep your pet physically quiet (no vigorous activity) while healing during the 10 - 14 days post surgery time. Any redness, painful swelling, and drainage should be mentioned to your veterinarian right away, especially if your pet is listless and not eating.

A firm, non-painful swelling under the incision that appears a few days or a week after surgery is fairly common. This the body's way of working on the sutures, called a suture reaction. Some animals "react", some don't at all. These types of lumps can take several days or weeks to shrink to normal. If you are concerned, or if you see any redness, swelling, pain, or drainage from the incision, please call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Just the same, if it were my dog, I'd call the veterinarian and report the lump.  Your vet wants to hear about any reactions your dog may have post-surgery,  whether or not your dog needs to be examined should be left up to the doctor.

Best of luck,