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dogs getting along

19 9:32:44

i have a Chihuahua,and i moved it with a friend. she has a golden retriever. they don't get along. my Chihuahua want to play the "chase game" and her dog thinks hes trying to attack him, so naturally he reacts and trys to attack my Chihuahua. i need help. how can i make them get along??

Put the Chihuahua on a leash and every time he goes to chase the golden tell him "NO" and pull him back to a sit position.  The golden needs time to get used to him.  Remember it is the golden's territory and he is just defending it.
When he is sitting quietly, bring the golden over and have him sit and give them both treats.  Have them both lay down, if you need them both on the leash so be it.  Eventually, when the Chihuahua calms down the golden will also.  Only give them a treat if they are calmly sitting next to each other.   This is the only time they get a special treat.
Remember, just keep repeating this.
Second  take them for walks together, your friend takes her dog and you take yours.  Keep them away from each other in the beginning, then slowly let them get closer and closer.  If one gets too excited correct with a "NO" and put them back by your side to walk.  This will encourage bonding.