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Golden Weak Hind Leg

19 10:52:21

Hi Karen.

Looking for some advice.  I have a 9yo Golden that slipped on the hardwood floors on Wednesday and after that point, he was limping (hind leg) really bad... very limited or no weight on it at all.  He didnt yipe when he feel but the fall was really awkward.  I took him to the vet and the vet thought it was possible spine damage or neuro and decided to keep him over night.  He had a shot of cortizone and stayed the night.  The next morning the vet proceeded with xrays and to make a long story short, his hips and spine look perfect... not a single issue.  The vet prescribed some pain meds and sent me home.  I need to go back next week for a checkup.  Since wednesday (today is sunday), it doesnt look like he is improving.  I have him confined to a small carpeted area to limit his activity.  What are your thoughts.  Can dogs pull muscles or twist a leg.  If so, how long does it take to heal.  I know your not a Dr. but I value your opinion.  

Todd M.  

Absolutely dogs can pull a muscle; they can do anything we can. Try to figure out *where* your guy is hurting by gently running your hands over him as you feel for an area that feels warmer than the surrounding tissue, push gently to try to determine where it hurts him, or find an area that feels really tight. If you find that spot, put ice on it for twenty minutes 2-3 times a day. You can make an ice pack using two recloseable baggies (one inside the other) and freezing a solution of 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 2/3 water.

If possible, I would recommend that you take your dog to a veterinary chiropractor. Your dog's fall could have caused a misalignment in a vertebrae or two, and I don't know that would show up on X-ray.