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My puppy will only poop inside my house

19 13:56:12

I just recently adopted a puppy about a week ago, golden retriever & terrier mix, and since i have had her she has only gone poop in the house and never outside, i have pretty much already house broken her with peeing, she will go pee outside and very rarely in the house...everytime she goes pee outside i reward her with a treat and say good girl in an excited when she goes poop in the house, she knows shes doing something wrong, because she always tries to go poop where i wont find it and when i do she gets very scared and frightened before i even say anything to her...then i show her the poop and say bad dog in a mean voice...and she gets scared and usually will run to her cage.  she hasnt gone poop outside yet, so i havent been able to reward her for pooping outside...but my guess for her not going poop outside when i walk her is because she knows i will see her go poop right in front of me and thinks i will get mad at her...I would very much appreciate any advide you have for me to break this habit, thankyou very much.

You absolutely must not and cannot correct a dog unless you catch it in the act of doing the infraction.... in this case, catch it in the act of pooping in the house.

Otherwise, you must quietly clean up the mess and say nothing to the dog, preferably with the dog elsewhere so that it doesn't see you doing this. (Reason being that some dogs will try to get attention any way they can get it... even negative attention.)

It is good that you have a crate. Use it! Puppies almost always will poop within a few minutes of eating, so if you let the puppy out at the appropriate time, it should "perform". If it doesn't, put it BACK into the crate, and try a bit later.... say a half hour. Keep repeating this until the dog is successful outside and you can then praise her profusely.

Never leave the puppy loose in the house if you cannot give it your constant supervision. The first mistake is the puppy's; all others are YOURS.

Here is a good site on housebreaking (there are MANY on the internet):