Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Pork Rib Bone

Pork Rib Bone

19 10:14:47

QUESTION: My boxer swallowed a whole pork rib bone - approx. 3.5" x .5".  I induced vomiting, but no bone.  He eats things "whole" all the time and appears to be playful and normal.  What should I watch for?

ANSWER: Jeanne-

Was this a whole, cooked bone? Or a raw bone?

If it was whole and cooked, the only thing you can do is pray he is able to pass it whole. hopefully if it is thin enough he can pass it easily. If it was whole, the big worry would be that it doesnt turn sideways and block him. If you notice him straining to defecate, or see blood in his stool, he needs an x-ray immediatly. The problem with cooked bones, and what makes them SO dangerous, is actually what happens when he chews them- they splinter and turn into large, sharp shards, as brutal as glass to the intestines.

If it was a raw bone, I wouldnt be too concerned, the enzymes in his stomach will soften it and break it down to extract the marrow and it will pass through fine. The only thing I would be concerned about is the raw pork, which unless it was FRESH (like, you slaughtered the pig yourself) can carry parasites that can be dangerous to him. Raw pork should never be given to dogs, it is one of the very few meats that should be avoided when feeding raw foods.

Keep an eye on his stool, and make sure he is able to use the bathroom. If you notice any change, go straight to the vet. I hope he feels better!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Shawn - The bad news is that it was whole and cooked.  The possible good news is that he didn't chew it at all.  As I tried to get it from him, he swallowed it whole, like a snake!Should we continue to feed him or just give water?  Is there anything I can do to help dissolve the bone, or aid him in passing it?

Theres nothing that can dissolve it unfortunatly, but you can offer him some canned pumpkin to "flush" his system.... canned pumpkin is sort of a natural laxative that pushes everything out. I would continue to feed him normally, and just offer him water and some canned pumpkin in addition to his food to help loosen his stool. Keep watching every time he "goes", so you can find the bone when he does pass it! If he goes three or four days and hasn't passed it yet, a trip to the vet for an x-ray may be a good idea. Good luck!