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Dog staying under the bed.

19 14:13:03

I have a 10 year old Yorkiepoo. He is normally nervous and high strung. In the past two weeks, there have been two incidents in which he seemed to be hurting--staying away from us, lethargic, wimpering when we picked him up etc. He did not have a temp or any other symptoms. Each incident lasted a day and then he was pefectly normal. For the past two days, he has acted completely normal except that he stays under the bed most of the time. Any idea what could be happening with him?

Hi Lyn,

Something is definetly wrong.  I think you should take him to a vet.  He has either been injured or is suffering from some kind of internal problem. Is there any possibilty that someone has kicked him or otherwise abused him?  He is showing symptoms of abuse by hiding under the bed and staying away from you. I am not saying he has been abused, but since I cannot see him in person, I am only asking.  

If it were me, I watch him, see if he eats and drinks ok.  Pick him up and see if he is tender anywhere on his body.  If he continues to be lethargic and acting abnormal, I would definetly take him to see a professional.

God Bless,