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Dog mix - dog LOVES to use nose

19 9:39:45

Hi Kristen,

I recently adopted a 15 month lab "mix" from the humane society.  The shelter thought he was lab/border collie, my vet thinks he's lab/pit, and I think he is lab/hound...or maybe he's all of them!  

My question is about nose behavior.  My dog has a great interest in using his nose in picking up scents.  For instance, once he picks up on a scent, he will keep his nose to the ground and sniff sniff, pull in that direction, sniff sniff pull.  It's actually really difficult to regain focus once this occurs!  

Sometimes he stands like he's about to track (tall and erect).  I guess I typically attribute this trait to hounds so I'm wondering if other dog breeds are like this too or is this a trait that I can easily attribute to hound in order to satisfy my own curiosity about his heritage?

It doesn't matter whether I ever really know what he is.  I'm really just curious whether all dogs exhibit an interest in sniffing in the behavior I described or if this is an attribute unique in ways to certain breeds.  


While it is stronger in hounds,it's also strong in other hunting breeds,such as retrievers and pointers. Also if he had to fend for himself he might have had to rely on scent. While all dogs sniff,hounds and hunting breeds tend to have a stronger drive to do so,as they were bred for that. Almost sounds like a pointer's stance as well with the tail up