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Aggression + snap/bite

19 9:39:25

Dear SC, thank you in advance for reading this. My initial 2 issues are: 1)my dog will bark and lunge at 90% of the dogs she sees on walks. 2) on walks, somebody kneeling down who wants to say hello to her will usually get snapped at, and if they didn't get their hand out of the way on time, excellent chance they could get bitten. What are the best ways to deal with - and CORRECT - these 2 specific behaviors ?  Thank you SC

Hello Steve,
Did you adopt your dog as a puppy, or did you get her from a shelter or another home at a older age?
If dogs aren't socialized when they're young, they often don't know how to behave around other beings(people or pets).
You should begin socializing her now, by taking her to dog parks often and letting her interact. A trainer would also be beneficial!

Correcting her should be as simple as a loud "no!" and a clap or firm jerk on her harness.
She should wear a harness, as opposed to collar, on walks. This gives you better control, and puts less strain on her neck.

You will need to socialize her.. preferably not in her own home, but rather in a neutral area like a park.
If she's a smaller breed, try introducing a young puppy or small dog to her first. If she's larger, try a dog her own size or a little less.
Put her in a crate or kennel, and show a lot of attention to the other dog. Petting him, holding him, brushing him, etc. No doubt she will bark at the dog to begin with, but ignore it. Do not let her out of her kennel until she has ceased her barking.
If she refuses to stop, pack it up and try again tomorrow.
If she stops barking, then let her out of her kennel and, keeping a firm grip on both dogs' leashes, allow them to sniff each other.
Don't jerk them back or strain them at all if you can help's best to let them meet on their own.
If she does well, praise her. Try to avoid treats...they can make for some messy fighting between the dogs.
Try that with a few different dogs on a few different days, if possible.

As for socialization with humans, you should leave her in her crate when people come into the house. After they've sat for awhile and been talking, and she has been allowed to observe them for a good twenty minutes, and realize they aren't a threat, let her out. She should be more accepting.

If she's giving serious bites(leaving a mark or causing bleeding) you should take her to a professional trainer!

Best of luck..