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Irregular potty patterns

19 9:56:16

Hello Melissa,

Our 11 weeks English Cocker Spaniel came home a week ago.
During the day we let him loose around the house only when supervised, otherwise we take him out to the (safe and confined) yard (for 3 hours periods max). For now, he sleeps in his OPEN crate in the yard, because (despite being taken out several times during the night) he wet his crate the first three nights that we attempted to crate train him at night.Our final goal though, is that he spends 100% of the time inside the house.

1.- He has very irregular vowel movements: Althoug we feed him 3 times a day at the exact same times,some times he'll go potty 10 minutes afterwards, sometimes 3 hours, sometimes (mostly at noon) he won't go at all. Any suggestions on how to regularize his potty times?

2.-It does not matter how long he has spent outside in the yard, he seems to "hold it" until let inside the house (I've tried staying outside with him for as long as two hours).The "taking him back to his crate if he doesn't "go" technique doesn't apply, because, like I mentioned above, he wets his crate.
Any other techniques to use under these circumstances?

3.-We live in a gated community. Our house has a yard (which I inted that becomes his place to "do his business") and near the house there is a park (way bigger than our small yard), we take him there to play. How do I teach him that the park is to play and the yard to "go"? (Many times he "goes" in the park).

Thank you for your time. I'll appreciate your answer and so will our adorable puppy.


Hello Seym;
I know the "Potty Training" period can be very frustrating..But, don't give up. It will happen.

First of all, he may have worms..I would get him on some "Safeguard" right away! This will help his elimination periods a lot!
Worms create gases, and a bunch of problems for digestion, so, when you get him properly wormed with the safeguard for three days, you will see a major difference! You can buy at a "Petsmart" or other vet supplies stores.
The other issue is probably his diet.
You need more fiber in his diet!
This will also stop the quick urges later after his "Potty" time out.

The other idea is to crate him, not allow him in your home until he is completely trustworthy.
Dogs don't want to soil in their crates if they know this is the "ONLY" area they are in.

So, don't stop the Crate time. Just keep him on a schedule to go out about 40 min after eating.

The dog food I recommend is :
Their formulas make the dog go to the bathroom after they drink water, so, at the moment they go outside to "Potty" instead, water first, then presto, elimination.
You can go to their website.
I like the "Puppy Diet" for young dogs, and especially the fiber content. It works.

I would also stop the three feedings, and go to two with this diet. Plenty of nutrition, and then, you will stop the "Potty" in the house problem as well.

Give these ideas a try, and then let me know how you are doing.
I will await any further response.
And please do give my answer a rating at the website!
Thanks again,
Best regards,