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House breaking 10 week old female lab

19 11:11:32

QUESTION: How do I teach my puppie to pee outside?

Info: 11 week old female black lab mix, 13 pounds.
Brought home from pound January 7,2007. Was there 5 days.

Crate training in progress: Sleeps in crate in Tv room at night.Goes down to bed at 10PM. In crate in morning 9-10:30AM and afternoon 3PM-4:30PM (Have been waking her up once around 3AM to take out to pee. She does not whine to go out-. She settles down quickly afterwards.)

Exercise: Walks on a leash 1/4-1/2 mile, two times a day. Sits on command, learning lie down, and does come 90 of the time- sits and expects treat or praise.

The pee issues: I gave her a treat every time she peed outside all last week and praised her.She only peed outside  the first 4 days. Now for the last 2 days she is peeing every 2-7 minutes in the house- expecting a treat. I do not look at her and have my husband watch her outside while I clean up with order removing cleaner. So now I have resorted to having her in her crate and taking her out play a little then back in crate. (still walking her as well)Also today when we went outside she squatted to pee- and NOTHING came out... like sure I will squat and look like I am peeing-.

I am quite sure she is now confused somehow and the peeing happened in the house about 30 times yesterday. So I have put her in the crate most of today. According to your answer  to a similar question on 1-8-08 the in the crate stuff may  be the answer. Is there anything else I should try...I mean I know she can hold it for a couple hours in her crate.

I really feel I am doing something wrong here. She loves to do sit and stay exercises - She will sit and wait for a treat for close to a minute. All these exercises are great- but I would really like to help her get the pee thing right-Thank You -I appreciate your help-teri

(below is the answer you gave to the similar question.)

Your Answer on 1-9-08
What usually works well are crates,because they want to keep there sleeping areas clean

What you do is keep the dog in there at all times,except to take the dog outside,to be fed or to be played with

Then after a few weeks slowly let the dog out,and if accidents happen again,put her back in the crate full time for another week

ANSWER: Well it might actually be a bladder infection-so I would have the vet have a look at her just in case,as that is very common in puppies

also you might want to stop giving her treats for peeing and use voice praises instead,as she might think peeing itself will give her a treat

It sounds like you are doing everything right,so have the vet look at her first,and also stop giving treats and see if that improves anything,since she does seem to be holding it in her crate,it's not like some dogs that will still make accidents in the crate

In that case I recommend confining to one room and using puppy pads and moving them closer to the door-but at this point that may confuse her so for now I would keep on using the crate

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just to be clear -

This morning she woke up at 6:30 Am my husband took her out -she peed and pooped- then we fed her in her crate -door open. She drank 1/4 cup water. We then played a little, went outside to pee. We put her back in the crate by 7:20AM. I used the time to get ready for my day. At 7:50 I let her outside on a leash in our backyard to pee and took her on a 20 minute walk. At 8:15 she was back in her crate until 10:30. Let her out to pee and poop-played a little inside and she drank some water- I popped her  back in the crate. At 11:00 she whined and I took her outside to pee, and came in and played/worked on sit and lie down. Let her chew her bone. She went to the door at 11:30 took her out pee. We played until 11:50. She is now back in the crate. She in the room next to the kitchen- and knows I am nearby. She has not had a chance to pee in the house- (she is only allowed in the kitchen and TV room-(which leads to the enclosed yard)

I will walk her again around 12:30 or 1. And again tonight around 8:30.

So is that basically the idea??? She is in the crate whenever I cannot keep my eyes on her every move. It seems like an inordinate amount of time in the crate-... it is ok for a 10 week old puppy to be crated this much?

It certainly is nice not having pee everywhere- but is she in the crate too much? I have a vet appointment tomorrow. Thanks for your time-and Pepper says woof- Teri

Yes that is the way to do it-I have done it with every dog I have had,and the ones i have fostered as well,even one that was 7 years old

She seems to have the concept of not going in her crate,which is excellent,so it shouldn't take that much time-and being in the crate all the time for a few weeks won't hurt her at all,and will make house training a lot faster,so you can have more time to focus on other things you want to do with her

It usually just takes about three weeks-then you can slowly let her out more,but if she starts making accidents on the floor again,back into the crate she goes for another week or so

So if you keep on doing what you are doing,she should be house trained pretty quickly