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i was wondering where do i...

19 14:13:25

i was wondering where do i find information about animal grouos in my area that i could get involed with i am attending school and hopping to become an equine specialist and trainer for the Ky Derby

Hi ashley;
Do you mean rescue groups?
I am sending a couple of web addresses for you to look through.

working with an equine rescue group would give you some very good experience.

Even though I have ben around animals all my life, i had very little experience with abused animals.
when i had a neighbor who had an abused dog, there was little I could do, because until about 30 years ago, there were very few places that had any ordinances about abused animals, and the only way I could rescue them was over the back fence, which I did a number of times.
My entire criminal past consists of a few over parking tickets, and less than a half doxen speeding tickets, but if I had gone to jail for stealing a dog out of someone's yard and getting it to someone who would not beat and.or starve it, tough.
I am not an "I don;t want to get involved" person when it comes to chilfreen or animals being mistreated.
But, since I have been involved with the rescue groups, I have gotten a lot more experience in how abused animals react to things, and it has given me even more ability in seeing the reasons some animals behave in ways that are differwnt. It has helped me see more even about spoiled little brat pups and kitties, and a better all round understnding of the working of little animal minds.
When you experience the results of abuse, it helps you understand more about the workings of any animal's mind and feelings.
I always assumed my dogs and cats were more human acting, because of the way I raised them, like they were humans rather than animals. But working with the animals that were not raised that way has made me see how little difference there is between animals and humans.
Besides doing some very worthwhile work helping unfortunate animals, it will give you more insight that will help you as a trainer.
I just put animal rescue groups, in my search engine, and came up with quite a list of sites to check out.
It is surprising what results you get by just puttine the simplest discriptions in the search engines.
Good luck with your goal. that sounds like a very interesting profession to me.
I love horses too, and trainimg them would be great. I enjoy training dogs.
By training with humane methods, rather than forcing your will on them, is so gratifying.
I take pride ( and fel a bit smug) in my ability to get difficult dogs no one else can do a thing with, to do as I am directing them, and doing it willingly.
Making a trusting friend of a dog that it's owner can't get near withot being bitten, and turning them into a well behaved, good companion, withour even getting growled at gives you the big head, but it makes you feel good too.
Hope you find what you need in those sites. If you don't, give me another shout and More info about exactly what you are looking for, and i will search it out for you and get you what you need.