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malamute husky behaviour problem

19 9:17:35

Dear Shelley,
we have two half malamute husky females, which are half sisters, they have the same mother who was the husky, both fathers were malamutes. We have raised them since a few weeks old and now one is 5 and the other 5.5 years old. They are usually the best of friends and play well together, although it is often quite rough but playful. The alpha female is larger and seeks attention a lot, dominating the slightly smaller dog. Our problem arises following their six month periods. Suddenly the alpha female will, usually for no specific reason attack most aggressively the other one and they have to be torn apart immediately,as ifleft they would probably kill each other. They are very strong and it requires all myself and my wife's strength to separate them. Many injuries have been sustained by both of us in trying to do this and keep them totally separated in different parts of the house. The fight is always directed towards each other, never towards us. Just recently we have had another incident nine months after the last one and are loath to separate them permanently but seem to be left with no choice as the stress is really taking its toll on us. Can you suggest anything that might remedy this situation before we have to consider finding the alpha female a new home. We are going to try to put them into their large cages during this period in the future as a possible solution. Can you please give us your thoughts and we would appreciate any advice you think is relevant and that we should be aware of.

Yours Sincerely,


Thanks for contacting me regarding your Huskies.  I had two Huskies a few years ago and Samoyeds ever since.  Huskies are wonderful dogs.  I'm sorry that they are suddenly fighting.  I would definitely have both spayed immediately.  Not only does it help prevent cancer (for each heat that a dog goes through the chances of cancer rise dramatically) but it also prevents the sorrow of unwanted puppies.  For every puppy born a dog on death row loses it's life for want of a home.

I have a feeling that hormones are playing a huge role in the tension between your dogs.  I suggest a full blood workup, paying particular attention to the thyroid (should be in the middle of normal- not high or low normal) and to their hormone levels.  The best solution would be spaying.  In the mean time keep them separated for their own safety.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis