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Owning 2 dogs

19 13:34:41

i am the owner of 2 dogs. 1 German shepherd 1yr had months and 1 shar pei x ridgeback 2.5yrs had over 1.5yrs both were dogs from shelter both female and have just started to fight to the point of injuring one another.  most of the time the start growling when the are both trying to get attention from me yet don't even worry when my boyfriend does the same thing. after they fight we separate them for a few days and then its all good again. we love both our dogs we don't want to give one away Is there any way of stopping this? Do you know why this would be happening? WHAT ARE SOME WAYS TO GET THEM APART WHEN FIGHTING???? PLEASE HELP

Well there's a few things you can do,when they both want attention ignore both of them,that way they be jealous,you can also put chock chains of them with a short leash attached,and when they try to go at each other(this is a two person job,so only do this if your boyfriend is around)and you snap back one leash,and your boyfriend,or anyone else who is around does the same with the other dog and say loudly "leave it" And another good way to pull dogs apart can either be a one person or a two person job,for one person,go to the dog you are closet to,and pull back on her thighs,and if your boyfriend is around,have him do that to one dog and you do it to the other

These are methods where you will least likely get bitten or hurt