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Afghan sheperd puppy- spaying

19 11:02:41

Hi Patti, I have a 4.5 month old Afghan nomadic sheperd pup. I work in Kabul, Afghanistan currently and got her from a pet adoption centre here. How soon can I get her spayed? Different sources seem to have different advice on the subject. Thanks very much!

Hi Bee,

Your puppy can be spayed right now, there's no reason to wait.  Many puppies are routinely spayed as young as 6-8 weeks old! Younger puppies heal faster than older puppies.

The optimum time to spay is before the onset of the first heat cycle, which happens on average at 5-8 months of age. So anytime you want to spay your dog is fine, just don't put it off too long!

You can read more about spaying here:

Best of luck,