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dog butt biting

19 11:01:17

We have a teacup poodle that bites daily at our peekapoo's bottom.  What is causing this? How do we stop this aggressive behavior.  The teacup poodle is otherwise very obedient.  The peekapoo has been to obedient training but needs more work.
Thank you

Hi Jessica,

Wellllll, maybe it's not the peekapoo that needs some training <G>!

Kidding aside, butt biting is aggression with no confidence. You are less threatening when you are going away.

Basic obedience (focus work, recall, heeling) will go a long way in helping this little guy. Mostly dogs that do this lack clarity, perhaps he is uncertain of his place in the world and this is how it's coming out??

The age of the dogs could also be an indicator of the problem too. Are they competing for status?

When he bites is he actually biting or nipping with no blood shed?

Identifying the triggers that lead up to the nip will help. Is it over excitement at the door, over space, treats, affection...? Once you know what causes it, you can work in that window before he does it as opposed to after the nip.

Think of the act as the end of the sentence. What starts it?

Lastly, maybe some time away from the peekapoo is in order. It is perfectly acceptable to have them apart daily-maybe the teacup will actually miss him a bit!!

Please let me know how things go.