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Shih Tzu barking in crate

19 11:25:31

Hi , I just got a 12 wk old Shih tzu, my first pet ever,,,,
I come home every 4hrs to take it out and check on it,,, when i am at work... but I stayed home with him third day,,, but he was in his crate, two 4hr intervals, for me to study his reaction. and He barked constantly both 4hrs, the most amount of time he stopped was a 20min and a couple of 10 mins,
I have heard they sleep when I am not home, but this one did not sleep at all that day.......
when I leave him he barks, and when I get back he is still barking!
When will he stop? and give up?!
He sleeps fine in his crate by my bed at night, the first 2 minutes he whines a bit...but gives up soon !!!
Please tell me if this will end soon? it's been a week !!!

The dog may not bark long once it realizes you are gone.  You might check with your neighbors or anyone else that may know.  It may also bark any time it hears anybody outside.  I know some of our puppies bark when we leave, but nobody is around to be bothered.  

One trick you can try is a Kong with peanut butter in it.  Select the very smallest size and maybe don't fill it too full.  If you give such a small puppy too much peanut butter, it won't be getting a good diet or a way too much.