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lump on dogs back

19 10:47:26

my dog recently got a lump on his back.  he's a chocolate lab and he's 9-years-old, so i figured it was one of those fatty lumps that dog's get in their old age.  i knew it wasn't a hot spot, because my other dog has had one before and it got infected fast with him scratching it and then started to ooze fluid.  so i took the dog in today hoping to see a vet but there was only a vet tech on duty, and while she was checking it out, we noticed that the hair was falling out and then we saw gooey matted hair and blood.  she started to squeeze the lump and a lot of material came out that looked like puss.  it wasn't puss though and after taking the dog's temp, we knew it wasn't infected since he didn't have a fever.  anyway, i took him home.  she suggested going to see a vet tomorrow and have it removed or at least examined.  i cut the hair around it and cleaned it with water and then pushed as much material out as possible.  now he has a bald spot and hole/open wound.  what do you suggest i do next?  i've read on this site that bleeding open sores can be a sign of cancer.  is that true?  i don't want to take him to the vet if i've already done the required care for the wound.  i don't have a lot of money to spare.  but i also don't want to neglect my dog.  he's old but he has spirit.  he was so excited to get in the car and go to the vet.  he's been eating well and not sleeping more than usual.  help! and thanks!

I  am uncomfortable answering medical questions like this.  If it is cancer, I doubt a few days delay will hurt.  Why don't you treat it with peroxide, Neosporin, Triple Antibiotic, or any thing you have left from the hot spot.  If it seems to be healing up, just keep an eye on it.  If it comes back or grows, better call the vet.