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dog upset by owners shower

19 9:51:14

My dog, a 2 yr mixed "rescue", goes NUTS when I shower. It starts when she sees me undress, grab a towel or open the shower door. She knows I am about to shower. She barks hysterically and runs to me, sometimes almost "biting" my ankle as if to keep me out of the shower. I have tried going through the motions without ever showering ( desensitize), tried a bark collar ( worked somewhat), at this point I can get her to calm down if I shower with the door open and she can still see me. What can I do to help her get past this "fear" - or whatever it is - of the shower?

Hi Sheri;
Sounds like your dog is trying to "protect" you!
Smart dog....really!!
I think you should either just take a shower where she can see you,
Or, crate her away from the area.
That is the best alternative.
Otherwise, I would just be "Flattered" that you have a dog that loves you that much!!!