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pregnant or not

19 11:44:40

QUESTION: my dog was in heat 2 weeks ago and I have a un nuetured male but we never saw him mount her but yet she has been out of heat for about 2 weeks and now her nipples are large.. Is this normal or is it possiple my male mounted her without me knowing? I can not see how I NEVER left them alone for only maybe 5 mins at a time.. PLEASE help..

ANSWER: Hi Tanya;
Yes it is possible, and most likely he did.
The mating probably took place while you were asleep.
The enlarged nipples are a good sign she is pregnant and so it the season stopping. Her season stopped when she got pregnant.
I have heard, but am not sure, that more then one male can father a litter.
They may have mated several times.
I don't know if one mating with one male is all they will do with each male or not.
You need to get her to her Veteinarian soon. Being pregnant, she needs to be on a diet for pregnant mothers so her babies will be healthy, and she will not have complications that get out of hand.
You can also go to
There are some good advice on feeding and general information on dogs.
Yesterday, I was looking up the Dog Whisperer's website for a questioner, and watched a couple of the videos while I was in there.
One is a video of a puppy in the womb, and how they form.
It was very interesting. I had never seen anything on animals being formed.
If you would like to see it, go to this page and click on the    animals and nature under Browse by catagory.
Thn on that page, put   in the wopmb  in the search box.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What puzzles me is I never left them alone but for 1 time wshile I took a shower for 5 mins. I heard no barking or yulping or anything.. I did not want her pregnant YET.. So I was careful for except that one time... I thought they would yulp when mating or get tied that it would not be a 5 min thing and when I got out of shower he was in a different room sleeping.. Is it possiple she just has swoolen nipples due to she was in heat two weeks ago? She has vet aqppointment in 4 days... I am scared she is only 11 months old.. All my dogs are around the same size.. My vet does not seem to be concerned when I spoke to him but I hear people talking and they say she can die she is too young.... I am so scared she is my baby...I can not wait to get her to vet 4 days seem so long.. Another thing that is weird is she wants to be held all the time. SHe is sticking to me like glue and wants to be in my lap ALL the time.. She normally is sweet but she is acting really weird.. I have NO idea what pregnancy signs are.. I was NOT ready yet for this..

No Tanya;
She will not die in childbirth because she is too young.
That is an old wives tale, spread by someone who doesn't know beans about dogs.
But, having litters CAN cause her to have breast cancer later on.
Just not being spayed leaves her at risk.
It is NOT bad for their health to be spayed !!!!
It actually gives them more chance for a longer life, and prevents breast cancer and some other cancers, which would lead to high Veterinarian bills, and she may not survive it even after that.
Dogs don't usually yelp unless the male is too big to mate comfortably with the female.
Yes, it CAN take as little as 5 minutes, and that is what the guy does after mating, he sleeps.
Ready or not, without having her spayed when she was about 4 or 5 months old, this was the risk you took, and having her in the same house with a fertile male just insuded it.