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Rescued Dog and 6 moth old baby

19 11:38:33

We have a mixed breed rescue who is about 2 years old.  We've had him for a little over a year and he's wonderful, but suffers from anxiety issues.  I also have a 6-month old baby.  I am on maternity leave and spend a  good deal of time at home.

Lately, our dog, Humphrey, has been acting out.  I'm sure it's jealousy.  He is gentle with the baby, but when we leave he started to take tissues out of the garbage.  He doesn't shred them, he only takes them out.  So we began lifting all the garbage cans.  Then he moved on to diapers.  Again, he's not destructive, he only takes them and puts them in the hall.  I made sure to close the baby's door so he couldn't get at them.  Today I came home to find one of the baby's toys in the hall (to give him the benefit of the doubt, it's new and may have fallen on the floor so perhaps he thought it was fair game...but I doubt it).

The obvious answer is to hide all toys/garbage or keep them out of his reach, but If I do, I feel like he'll just find something else.  I'd rather fix the problem than just patch it.

I should add that admittedly he wasn't getting enough exercise.  He is 70lbs and still young.  But for the past week (long after the problem started) I have been diligent about walking him (at least an hour a day) and training him (making sure I'm acting as the pack leader rather than letting him rule the roost, as they say).  He was showing TONS of improvement, but then the toy thing happened today and I feel terribly discouraged.

Please help.


As you said,  you started long after the problem started.  So don't be discouraged.  Maybe now try a water pistol. If you see the dog touching any of the babies stuff,  squirt him,  and then give him a suitable doggy toy instead.  Play with him a little with the toy,  and praise him.

Tell me how you get on.